Fees & Costs

Chapter 7: low flat fee for contracted work

Chapter 13: low flat fee for contracted work

The attorney charges a low prefiling fee and charges the costs, then the post filing fees will be
submitted by motion and if granted paid from the monthly plan payments paid to the trustee on a
monthly basis by the debtor.

Chapter 11:
The attorney charges a low prefiling fee and charges the costs, then the post filing fees will be
submitted by motion and can be either flat fee amount or hourly basis.

In addition to attorney fees there are Bankruptcy costs:
Filing Fee
Chapter 7: $338.00
Chapter 13: $313.00
Chapter 11: $1,738.00
Credit Report: $
Credit Counsel Class: $
Debtor’s Education Class $

My office will assist you in processing the classes. You can use your own computer or a computer at my
office if my help is needed.

My fees are very low. This is not limited to chapter 7 Bankruptcy matters for which I charge a very low
flat fee. I also accept payments plans. Most of the time, bankruptcies do not have to be filed right away.
This makes it very easy and affordable to pay fees over time.

I am an affordable attorney who has worked to help the community by gaining knowledge in a wide
variety of matters and issues. To this extent, my practice includes Family law, immigration, civil
litigation, and some criminal matters. I also have done many trusts and have dealt with numerous
probate issues. For most of these matters, I charge flat fees with payment plans to help the client to be
able to afford an attorney.

The following services are offered at an affordable Flat Fee Rate with monthly payment plans, or hourly
rates. Options are available, so you can afford to pay for your matter in an affordable and convenient